Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 4

Yawn again! How can I be this tired! I'm certainly a self-proclaimed information junkie and I've loved all the new information. My body, however, is feeling overwhelmed. We had a couple of great opportunities today to visit the Adirondack Museum and the a wildlife museum. I had never been to either place and it was great to see more of the Adirondack's. We had little time at the Adirondack Museum and I hope that I will be able to visit it again on my own in the future.

Tonight we saw Karl's presentation on Green For All. It really got me thinking about jobs like my father's and brother's. They are carpenters by trade, and work has been very slow lately. My father owns his own business; perhaps green energy might be a market they could get a step up on. I worry about both of them.

I'm also trying to make a link between Green For All and my fiance's job. He does ground construction, water lines, sewer mains, etc. I'm curious as to how his job would be affected. I am however, very happy to hear that trade and service jobs are not a think of the past. Collage is not for everyone, and in fact, student loans make starting out in life a very slow process.

Well once again, my history-geek side was pacified today. I'm happy. A good book and an email from home will make my night. :)
Tomorrow I look forward to doing more work on my project with Amanda. We have a good start, and I'm hoping we'll have good weather tomorrow so we can be as productive as possible. -Not telling what the project is's a secret still! It keeps things exciting!!

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